Saturday, 27 June 2009

Major Icon gone to heaven

Two angels towards heaven’s way

Our maker decided it was their day

To God’s new angels here is my tribute

I hope you will have no dispute

Farrah Fawcett Majors a 80s Icon

And the pop king Michael Jackson

Farrah was a very beautiful woman

Setting the 80s style was the plan

A Charlie’s angel she did play very well

A brilliant actress we could tell

Michael grew up on the music stage

We saw him from a very young age

He gave us Ben, Thriller and Billie Jean

And his videos just had to be seen

He gave us the moon walk and sights of pure delight

Putting everything into it until it was just right

The entertainment world is in total shock

To various memorials they will all flock

I hope both will be remember well

Their contribution to life we must dwell

My thoughts and prayers go to both their families

With peace and laughter at these angel’s release

Created 27/06/2009